Tuesday, November 30, 2010

How Comforting

Yes indeed.  A straightforward anagram.


Take the related words ERODE and WIND.

Rearrange the letters to form two new words which are also closely related.

Answer has been posted

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


One step crazier than the Anagranalogy.  You must take the four unrelated words or phrases presented in standard analogy form, rearrange the letters in each word to come up with a new common word and then find a homonym (or homophone) for each word to complete an accurate analogy.  For example:

Nan : Own : : Tea : Law                      Unrelated words, standard analogy form
Ann : Won : : Ate : Awl                        Anagrammed to common words
An : One : : Eight : All                          Homonyms
An and One refer to the singular
Eight and All refer to the plural


Solve this Homanagranalonym:

Tens : Wonks : : Ties : Yeas

Answer has been posted

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I Do Declare


Take the 2 word phrase "visual pistol"  (as opposed to a concealed weapon), and the word "crime".  A visual pistol may be used during a crime.

Now, rearrange these 17 letters to create a 3 word phrase and then a second single word in which the second word may be used after the 3 word phrase.

Answer has been posted

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

My Dog Has No Nose


Take the question, “Does a Dalmatian ever sneeze?” Rearrange the letters to name four places on earth that would be described with superlatives (words that end with est).


Answer has been posted

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Straighten Up!

This puzzle is appropriate for 2 November 2010 in the hopes that our elected officials finally wake up.


In this puzzle, you will form a chain of common compound words or 2 word phrases, in which the second part of each word or phrase is the first part of the following word or phrase.  For example:  lunch bag, bag lady, ladybird, etc.

Here's the challenge:

How quickly can you get from slap happy to dead serious?

And another challenge:

How quickly can you do it using only words starting with the letters in the middle row of the keyboard?

Remember, your answer must contain common words or phrases that most people would know.